F I N A N C I A L  P A R T N E R S

This project is supported by:

NEXT Talent Program
An initiative of Playgrounds and partners. Financed by Provincie Noord-Brabant and Kunstloc.

(ART & Technology) festival STRP

Immerse Interact, Filmfonds & Stimuleringsfonds

Stichting Niemeijer Fonds

Droom & Daad Makerslab

DKC Rotterdam


Sundance interdisciplinary program

The European Media Art Platform (EMAP), initiated by werkleitz and co-funded by Creative Europe

The research & methods that were developed in the Living dead project are supported by:

O&O - CBK Rotterdam & Werkplaats residency Innovatie & Journalistiek
Head: Danielle Arets
Fontys University of applied science